Sunday, November 5, 2023

Another way to use Digital Radio Modes if you do not have an RF Radio = DroidStar

The program DroidStar will enable you to access DMR and other digital radio modes with your mobile phone or home computer.  You do not need a hotspot for DroidStar to work, however you will have to sign-up for a DMR ID if you do not have one yet.  You will also have to register  with BrandMeister whose servers will enable you to link to different digital radio modes. 

DroidStar connects to M17, Fusion (YSF/FCS, DN and VW modes are supported), DMR, P25, NXDN, D-STAR (REF/XRF/DCS) reflectors and AllStar nodes (as an IAX2 client) over UDP. It is compatible with all of the AMBE USB devices out there (ThumbDV, DVstick 30, DVSI, etc). It also supports MMDVM modems and can be used as a hotspot, or as a stand-alone transceiver via direct mode to the MMDVM device. This software is open source and uses the cross platform C++ library called Qt. It will build and run on Linux, Windows, MacOS, Android, and iOS. No USB device support for iOS though (AMBE vocoder or MMDVM). This software is provided as-is and no support is available.

I am not going to go into detail on how to install and setup DroidStar as there are hundreds of tutorials and videos on the Intenet that will enable you to successfully install DroidStar.  I will however provide a few "fresh" links that will assist you in this regard as it worked for me:

1.  DroidStar  GitHub Page

2.  Installing DroidStar On Android or iOS Devices (PDF)

3.  Register HERE to obtain a DMR ID

4.  Register HERE to gain access to BrandMeister

5.  DroidStar Vocoder Plugins Downloads (Needed for audio and TX to work)

6.  Configuring and Using DroidStar on Android and Windows (Video)

7.  Setting up a BrandMeister Password  (Read more)

I currently use DroidStar to monitor my personal DMR TalkGroup 65511 which is permanently connected to AllStar and Echolink via the ZS1I DMR Bridge Network.  More information available HERE.

DroidStar is a fun, free and easy way to experiment with the digital radio modes. If you have an Android, IOS or PC and have an interest in playing around with digital radio modes, then get going with DroidStar. 

Images:  Click on images for larger view.


How I setup my Yaesu FT817 Radio and Homebrew Soundcard Interface to work Digital Modes

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