Saturday, February 24, 2024

A look at AllStar, Echolink, DMR, RF Repeaters, Links, Hubs, Nodes etc that constitutes the wide area ZS Network (Part 1)

In this posting we are going to look at AllStar, Echolink, DMR Bridges, RF Repeaters, Links, Hubs, Nodes that are linked together to constitute an efficient and active South African Network for all radio amateurs to use.   The posting will be in several parts and will stretch over a period of time.  I would like to thank Henk ZS1AAD for gathering all the images and information and also every owner that provided  information about their station on request.  If you link to the ZS Network and you have not yet submitted images and information of your station,  please send it to me a.s.a.p. by clicking HERE  I would like to include all participating stations under this topic and publication.  Enough talk let's get going!!

First on the list will be the very active 145.750 Mhz (CTCSS Tone 88.5 hz) Aasvoelkop Repeater situated near Albertinia in the Southern Cape.   Custodian and Owner:  Johann Bekker ZS1AAC.

Click on images for larger view.



A big thank you to Johann ZS1AAC and everyone that contributed to this article/posting.  Highly appreciated!!

Please take note that I will post a further article in the near future on the upgrading of the 145.750 Mhz Aasvoelkop Repeater.  Do not miss this posting!!

Our own Story Teller - Richard Nicholls ZS5RMN grieves over the loss of a loved one.

Image: Richard's Mother next to her beloved vintage Alfa Romeo GT. (1960'S ?)  (Click on image for larger view.) It is with great sa...