Wednesday, February 14, 2024

HOTA Activation: Garden Route Dam, George by ZS1ERZ

Image:  George Municipality

The past Sunday, 11 February 2024 a few radio amateurs and radio enthusiasts from the Eden Radio Club activated a HOTA site at the Garden Route Dam in the George area.  Herewith photos of the activation.   (Click on images for large view.)

What is HOTA?

H.O.T.A (Heritage on the air) is an amateur radio group that strives to motivate radio amateurs to learn more about history, and to keep history alive by activating a multitude of historical sites by using SSB, AM, FM, CW and even with Heliographs. Radio amateurs have great fun going out in the field and visiting places and areas where once history was made. Even if you do not like history there is places that were visited that might be of interest to you. You can even combine your other hobbies with H.O.T.A. Now that you have a faint idea of H.O.T.A it is time to learn more about H.O.T.A and the fun radio amateurs have and can have in activating historical sites. If you want to learn more about H.O.T.A you can visit the Heritage on the Air website by clicking HERE.

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