Monday, October 28, 2024

Did you fail the Radio Amateur Examination (RAE)? Never give up!!

With all the results of the recent Radio Amateur Examination (RAE) now available there might be some who did not pass the RAE.  This is nothing new as it is something that occurs in life whether it is at school, college or university.  While others celebrate there are those who might be sad and feel that they are a failure or that they did not study hard enough. Be as it may this happens in the best of families but everything is not lost.  You can and should write the RAE again in May 2025.  The latter part of the title of this article say it all:  "Never Give Up!!"

Why should one not give up in becoming an amateur radio operator?  Well I can provide you with many reasons here but I would rather like to tell you a story as an encouragement to write the RAE again and if necessary again and again.

More than 30 years ago I met Chris a 74 year old real gentleman in the town that I was living in at that stage.  I was always interested in radio and saw a large tower and antenna about 3 km away from my home.  One day I decided to visit this radio operator by knocking on his front door.  I introduced myself and the first thing he asked me if I was from the Post Office Inspectorate.  See in those days  the Post Office was the authoritative body responsible for citizens band, commercial and amateur radio.  Some citizens band (CB) operators used high power amplifiers and was then visited by the  Post Office Inspectors which resulted in confiscating such equipment or issuing of a fine.  Need I explain why he asked me if I was from the Post Office Inspectorate?

I told Chris no I am not from the Post Office and that I am just interested in radio and thought that he will be able to tell me more about his station, tower and antenna.  With the ice broken the rest was history and I need not tell you that I become a CB operator.  But this is not the crux of the matter.  One day Chris visited me and he brought a blue book with him.  (See top image)  He informed me that we are both going to become radio amateurs.  I was not very keen on the idea and he could see that on my facial expressions.  He said that he is 74 years old and that he is going to write the RAE and that it will be a shame if a 74 year old can pass the examination and that I (much younger than him) am not willing to except a challenge from an old man.

After we had a cup of coffee Chris left and my brain started to go haywire about this idea.  Well need I say that Chris wrote the examination but unfortunately failed the technical paper.  I did not even try to write the examination.  Chris told me he is not going to give up and that he will again write the examination the next time around. He wrote again and failed again.  I still did not even try to study the blue book.  Eventually I was transferred to another town but we kept contact.  One day Chris phoned me and he informed me that he was going to write the RAE for the third time.  Well he passed both papers and did well.  I was informed accordingly and the determination of Chris convinced me to write the examination the next time around.  I passed first time and Chris was in another world.  Unfortunately we were never able to make contact via HF as Chris went silent key after open hart surgery.

I dedicated my first HF contact to Chris Langeveldt ZS4CL (SK) (CB Handle:  Mazda) and left my first entry in my HF Log Book empty with a note in the remarks column that this first contact is dedicated to the man that challenged me to became a radio amateur.  I later managed to receive and empty QSL card (see image above) from his XYL Tant Annie (CB Handle:  Silver Draadjie).

May this short real story encourage those who did not pass the RAE this time around to write the examination again and if necessary a third and even a fourth time.  Never Give Up on your dream to become an Amateur Radio Operator does not matter how old you are.  I can guarantee you that amateur radio will change your life.  Remember  no where in this world will you find another diverse hobby like amateur radio. 

We as radio amateurs would like to welcome you to the best hobby in the world.  We enjoy attracting more people, from across our differences, to our common passion for radio? To those who have just passed the RAE be radio active! Be the connector that grows the hobby! And if you have a friend who is not a radio amateur or did not pass the exam the first time around,  invite and encourage him to write the RAE again to become an active radio amateur.

Remember:  Never Give Up!!

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