Wednesday, September 15, 2021

RF VHF Radio link connected and activated on the 49355 AllStar Node.

More images at the bottom of this post.

My previous notification and post listed HERE refers.

Well a second RF Radio Link has now been added to the Garden Route Hub Network.  This time it is in the VHF spectrum on a frequency of 145.550 Mhz Simplex. 

I will provide more information for the benefit of radio amateurs not living in the reception area but that visits the Mossel Bay area from time to time but especially during the holiday seasons.  Hopefully we can in future "cover" the greater Garden Route Area as more links and nodes are established in the area.

In the previous notification listed above I mentioned that I was busy upgrading the radio and hardware to the 49355 AllStar node, radio, antenna and hardware.  Here is a list of the upgrades:

  • Installed a new Diamond X50 Dual Band VHF/UHF Antenna  See my post HERE
  • Installed new RG58CU Mil Spec CoAx cable. (Note:  I hear many shout why not LMR400 or something better? is the answer.) However the cable run is about 10m long.  So far or until a sponsor comes to light the RG58 will have to do.
  • New PL259 (Bakelite) Connectors were installed.  No,  no N-Type or Suhner Connectors.   Once again money or a donation is needed. 
  • SWR - See my post HERE
  • Radio -  Modified Motorola Radius M100 VHF Radio. COR circuit mod as well as audio out connector and disconnect switch fitted.  Fan Controller thermistor fitted to radio heatsink.
  • Fan Controller for the Motorola Radio  See my post HERE and HERE.
  • Make up connecting cable for Motorola radio to AllStar Node 49355 Sound Card Fob and Audio Out from radio.
  • Setting up and configure SimpleUSB-tune-menu for the Motorola Radio on the 49355 AllStar node.
  • Perform several test transmissions for level adjustments.
  • Test the 49355 Node connected to the VHF RF Link extensively.  Also tested Hardware, Software and Function Commands.

After all the upgrades were done, the RF Link is now open for general use and reports.  Please note that the RF Link might be switched off for short periods as fine tuning is done to further enhance the system.  As this is not classified as an unmanned/unattended station the RF Link will be offline (switched off)  from 21h00 - 06h00 the next morning.

General Information:

Please follow the guidelines and "rules" as listed HERE, HERE and HERE.  The system/network is open for use by any licensed radio amateur.  The Garden Route Hub Network is not a club nor is it affiliated to any.  It is a network build, maintained and operated by individual operators who utilize available capabilities to enhance the effectiveness of amateur radio for the benefit and enjoyment of all radio amateurs.  Lets be respectful of each other and follow best practices and regulations.

Finally and most importantly:  Transmit - let radio amateurs know you are there.  Start or answer a QSO and make new friends.


Remember if you don't transmit, you mighty qualify for the new "QRT Certificate" 


Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

 Image:  ZS1I AllStar Hub, 145.550 Echolink Simplex Link and ZS-Link SVXLink Reflector With the recent loadshedding experienced I decided to...