Sunday, December 19, 2021

Amateur Radio as a Vehicle for Technology Literacy (By Chris Burger ZS6EZ and Hans van de Groenendaal ZS6AKV)

Africa faces a shortage of technologically-proficient people who can develop and maintain our ICT infrastructure and drive innovation to facilitate manufacturing and services. Amateur Radio offers a vehicle for technology training that has reaped great rewards for many countries. The barriers to entry are continuously dropping, The article explains the potential of Amateur Radio for technology development, looks at the current state of Amateur Radio in Africa and suggests avenues that might be explored to allow wider access on the continent.

Download the PDF  HERE


ED/  Great paper and very interesting read.  A definite must download  for a great Sunday afternoon read.  Well done Chris and Hans!!

Our own Story Teller - Richard Nicholls ZS5RMN grieves over the loss of a loved one.

Image: Richard's Mother next to her beloved vintage Alfa Romeo GT. (1960'S ?)  (Click on image for larger view.) It is with great sa...