Sunday, December 19, 2021

Holiday Schedule now active on the GRHub Network, Mossel Bay.

 Image:  Mossel Bay Airfield Webcam

 As already stated the GRHub Network will broadcast a daily holiday program from today (Sunday) 19 December 2021 and will continue until Sunday 2 January 2022.

Here is what you can expect:

1.  Our normal Breaking News Bulletins. Nets and Link Connections will remain unchanged and will be run as before. 

2.  We will start each day at 07h00 with a daily weather forecast for Mossel Bay on the GRHub Network.  This will include: 

2.1  Daily Weather Warnings for South Africa - SA Weather Service

2.2  Daily Weather Forecast for Mossel Bay - Accuweather

2.3  Aviation Weather Forecast for Mossel Bay Airfield -

2.4  Real Time Aviation Weather from Mossel Bay Airfield - iWeather

3.  From time to time we will bring you emergency notifications, about accidents, sea rescues, fires etc.  I would like to request the public to send real-time information reports to the GRHub Network in this regard by clicking HERE.   All information will have to be verified before making it available via the GRHub Network.

4.  From time to time an amateur radio podcast will be broadcast on the GRHub Network.  All connected stations/nodes will be disconnected prior to the broadcast.  The reason for this is the length of the podcast broadcasts. (1 hour +)  Lengthy podcasts will not be broadcast on repeaters and simplex links as not to overdrive/overheat RF transmitter radios.

5.  Normal operations will continue on the GRHub Network as before.  There is no holiday for the GRHub Network.  The "show" must go on.

Come and join us on the GRHub Network and enjoy the holiday season to the full.  Remember to be safe and take the necessary precautions due to Covid19.

Finally:  Enjoy your period of rest with your family and don't forget to take time out for amateur radio.

Our own Story Teller - Richard Nicholls ZS5RMN grieves over the loss of a loved one.

Image: Richard's Mother next to her beloved vintage Alfa Romeo GT. (1960'S ?)  (Click on image for larger view.) It is with great sa...