Friday, April 15, 2022

What amateur radio projects are you interested in?

The question explains everything.  Lookout for this question to hopefully be answered on the NSN - Net and this Blog in the coming weeks.  In the mean time -  What would this component in the photo be used for? 

Last night during the NSN Net many expressed the desire to getting involved in more technical/homebrew projects.  Well you asked for it and I am busy to work on a project that will hopefully enable many to learn how to construct your own amateur radio equipment.  Updates to follow on the NSN -Net and this Blog in future.  Exiting times are ahead for prospective/new/ and even the seasoned radio amateur.  Watch this space!!

Suggestions and comments are most welcome to get the project started.  Send an EMAIL with your suggestions and ideas.

How I setup my Yaesu FT817 Radio and Homebrew Soundcard Interface to work Digital Modes

Image:  ZS1I Yaesu FT817 Radio Image:  ZS1I Homebrew Yaesu FT817 Soundcard Interface During the PEARS VHF/UHF Contest that took place in Jan...