Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Services Rendered by the GRHub Network and other Roll Players in Amateur Radio

I would like to draw the attention of new radio amateurs or first time visitors to the GRHub Network that the GRHub Network and many other roll players to many to mention here render various services to the amateur radio community at large.  This will not be possible without the support om many individuals, clubs, Leagues, News Services etc.  Many thanks to all those that makes the renders and makes this services available free of charge.

Please note that some of these services are being automatically announced on the GRHub Network from time to time but if you do not have the time to listen, here is a complete list of the services.

You are invited to join in on the fun.  Connect to  ZS1I-L via Echolink or 49355 AllStar Node or any of the other nodes connected to the GRHub Network.


 List of Services:

Last Updated:   3 January 2023 07h13 

As the title of this page show you will be able to find information on  GRHub Breaking News Bulletins, Nets, Live Link Connections etc. on this page.

As administrator of the GRHub Network I strive to link to active links where interesting and educational content are discussed.  If you know of links that I can add to the favorite.ini tab, please provide me with the necessary information.

Sunday -  Local Content:

1.  Starting 07h00 SAST  - KZN HAMNET Bulletin Sunday at 07h00 SAST on KZN Repeaters.  ZS1I AllStar and Echolink nodes are connected via the Pietermaritzburg Repeater Network thanks to Koos ZS5KDK.

2.  Starting 08h00 SAST -   SARL on the Air Bulletins:  Transmissions: Sunday at 08:15 (Afrikaans) and 08:30 (English) SAST  on repeaters around South Africa.  ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected either to the Panbult Repeater ZS6WDL-R  or the Pretoria Repeater ZS0JPL-R via Echolink. 

3. Starting time 8h45 SAST  -  Pretoria Amateur Radio Club Bulletin   Sunday at 08:45 SAST on repeaters around South Africa. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to the Pretoria Repeater ZS0JPL-R via Echolink. 

4. Starting 10h00 SAST -  Amateur Radio Today: Program about Amateur Radio and technology hosted by Hans van de Groenendaal, ZS6AKV. Transmission on Sundays at 10:00 SAST (08:00 UTC) ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected either to the Panbult Repeater ZS6WDL-R or the Pretoria Repeater  ZS0JPL-R via Echolink.

5.  Starting 11h00 SAST - Eden Radio Club Bulletin  Sunday at 11h00 SAST.  The GRHUB Network is used by Thys ZS1TBPto relay the weekly amateur radio club bulletin.  Radio Amateurs can connect via ZS1I-L Echolink or 49355 AllStar.

6. Starting 15h00 SAST  -  Bo Karoo Amateur Radio Club Bulletin: Transmission: Sundays at 3pm (15:00) SAST by Thys ZS1TBP via Echolink. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to ZS1TBP.

7. Starting time 15h30 SAST or 10 Minutes after the Bo Karoo Bulletin -  "Lippeklap"  Net.  The "Lippeklap" Net will be active on the GRHub Network.  Connect to  ZS1I-L via Echolink or 49355 AllStar Node or any of the other nodes connected to the GRHub Network.

Monday - Local Content

1.  Starting time 05h00 SAST - East Coast Reflector : Transmission:  05h00 - 07h00 49355 Allstar Node and ZS1I-L Echolink nodes will be connected to the largest radio and VOIP network in the USA

2.  Starting time 07h45 SAST  -  Pretoria ("Legends") Morning Net:  Transmission: Daily at 07:45 - 09:00 except on Sunday on the Pretoria repeater South Africa. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to the Pretoria Repeater ZS0JPL-R via Echolink .

3.  Starting time 19h45 SAST  -  Repeat Broadcast of the Pretoria Amateur Radio weekly bulletin.  The GRHub Network will be connected to the Pretoria Repeater to relay this bulletin every Monday evening.

Tuesday - Local Content:

1.  Starting time 05h00 SAST - East Coast Reflector : Transmission:  05h00 - 07h00 49355 Allstar Node and ZS1I-L Echolink nodes will be connected to the largest radio and VOIP network in the USA

2.  Starting time 07h45 SAST  -  Pretoria ("Legends") Morning Net:  Transmission: Daily at 07:45 - 09:00 except on Sunday on the Pretoria repeater South Africa. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to the Pretoria Repeater ZS0JPL-R via Echolink .

3.   ARRL Bulletin Broadcast:  19h30 SAST -  ARRL Audio News - ARRL Audio News is a summary of the week’s top news stories in the world of Amateur Radio, along with interviews and other features. Enjoy ARRL Audio News anywhere: on your smart phone or tablet, your local repeater, or stream it on the go!  (NOTE:  There will be no bulletin broadcast on USA public holidays)

Wednesday - Local Content:

1.  Starting time 05h00 SAST - East Coast Reflector : Transmission:  05h00 - 07h00 49355 Allstar Node and ZS1I-L Echolink nodes will be connected to the largest radio and VOIP network in the USA

2.  Starting time 07h45 SAST  -  Pretoria ("Legends") Morning Net:  Transmission: Daily at 07h45 - 09h00 except on Sunday on the Pretoria repeater South Africa. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to the Pretoria Repeater ZS0JPL-R via Echolink .

3. Starting time 19h30 SAST - Amateur Radio Newsline Broadcast:  19h30 SAST -  Amateur Radio Audio News - AR Audio News is a summary of the week’s top news stories in the world of Amateur Radio, along with interviews and other features. Enjoy AR Audio News anywhere: on your smart phone or tablet, your local repeater, or stream it on the go! 

Thursday  - Local Content:

1.  Starting time 05h00 SAST - East Coast Reflector : Transmission:  05h00 - 07h00 49355 Allstar Node and ZS1I-L Echolink nodes will be connected to the largest radio and VOIP network in the USA

2.  Starting time 07h45 SAST  -  Pretoria ("Legends") Morning Net:  Transmission: Daily at 07:45 - 09:00 except on Sunday on the Pretoria repeater South Africa. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to the Pretoria Repeater ZS0JPL-R via Echolink .

3. Starting time 19h00 SAST - Eden Radio Club Chat Net:  19h00 SAST -  The Eden Radio Club Net will be active on the GRHub Network.  Connect to ZS1ERZ-L or ZS1I-L via Echolink or 49355 AllStar Node.

Friday  - Local Content:

1.  Starting time 05h00 SAST - East Coast Reflector : Transmission:  05h00 - 07h00 49355 Allstar  Node and ZS1I-L Echolink nodes will be connected to the largest radio and VOIP network in the USA.

2.  Starting time 07h45 SAST  -  Pretoria ("Legends") Morning Net:  Transmission: Daily at 07:45 - 09:00 except on Sunday on the Pretoria repeater South Africa. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to the Pretoria Repeater ZS0JPL-R via Echolink .

Saturday - Local Content:

1.  Starting time 07h45 SAST  -  Pretoria ("Legends") Morning Net:  Transmission: Daily at 07:45 - 09:00 except on Sunday on the Pretoria repeater South Africa. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to the Pretoria Repeater ZS0JPL-R via Echolink .


Monday to Saturday -  World Wide Content:

Important Note:  The GRHub Network will be linked to any of the networks/links underneath at different times of the day, depending on activity.   Advice:  Please listen/monitor the GRHub Network before calling/transmitting on the Network.

1. W5MGM Addison, TX USA AllStar HUB:  Transmissions in several time-slots. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to this Hub.

2. WA3DSP Philadelphia USA AllStar HUB:  Transmissions in several time-slots. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to this Hub. 

3.  K6JSI WIN System HUB L.A and East Coast IRLP - AllStar  Reflector :  Transmissions in several time-slots. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to one of the Hubs until 21h00 depending on local activity.

4. UK Hub Net: M0HOY-L Echolink or AllStar: HUBNet has rapidly become the largest multimode AllStar communications platform based in the UK. Transmissions in several time-slots. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to this Hub. 

5.  VK6RX  Allstar Hub (Western Australia):  Transmissions in several time-slots. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to this Hub. 

6.  ZLHUB DRGNZ HUB Network New Zealand:  Transmissions in several time-slots. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to this Hub. 

7.  WH6AV Hawaii Mainland Overseas Asterisk Network: This site is about WH6AV and associated AllStar nodes.   This Bridge runs on the lastest HAMVOIP Distribution of AllStar Link. Transmissions in several timeslots. ZS1I Allstar and Echolink nodes will be connected to this Bridge.  

8. ARRL On The Air Podcast:  The On the Air podcast is a monthly companion to On the Air magazine, ARRL’s magazine for beginner-to-intermediate ham radio operators.


Other Content:

From time to time live audio from space missions, ISS space walks, ARISS etc. will be streamed on the Network.  In some cases there will be announcements made before the time.  However it all depends on the time and the weather.  Moral of the story is to to monitor the ZS-Link Network permanently.

Please note that this schedule can change at any time without prior notice.



Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

 Image:  ZS1I AllStar Hub, 145.550 Echolink Simplex Link and ZS-Link SVXLink Reflector With the recent loadshedding experienced I decided to...