Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Make your own Balun Enclosure by Christi ZS4CGR

Many of us either buy a fully new constructed/manufactured balun while others build their own and install them in a plastic box. Christi however decided to roll his own enclosure for his baluns.  Thank you Christi for sharing your homebrew "Patent".

Construction is quite simple.  PVC Pipe, End Caps, Electric Fence Insulator, Bolts/Nuts and Softened Stainless Steel Wire. 

How I setup my Yaesu FT817 Radio and Homebrew Soundcard Interface to work Digital Modes

Image:  ZS1I Yaesu FT817 Radio Image:  ZS1I Homebrew Yaesu FT817 Soundcard Interface During the PEARS VHF/UHF Contest that took place in Jan...