Sunday, March 6, 2022

New Radio Mobile Coverage Modules for the 145.550 Mhz GRHub RF Net Link

Many factors play a roll in getting a good signal and clear audio between two stations.  We as radio amateurs only know this to well.  With the new Diamond X50 installed I mentioned on several occasions that the antenna is very low off the ground and that I will have to erect a higher mast to accommodate the antenna to ensure a larger coverage area.  In my previous post I posted photos of the mast project.

I used Radio Mobile software to predict the performance of my radio system with the new height of the antenna. Radio Mobile uses digital terrain elevation data for automatic extraction of path profile between an emitter and a receiver. 

This data is added to system, environmental and statistical parameters to feed the Irregular Terrain Model radio propagation model

Elevation data is also used to produce virtual maps in background.  More on Radio Mobile by VE2DBE available HERE and HERE.

I compiled a few images with Radio Mobile Online.  Please note that all the images I compiled were done with basic information and no experience. There will be discrepancies but it gives a good indication of possible coverage areas.  The proof will be in the "pudding" once the mast and antenna is up in the air.  One should also take into account that atmospheric propagation conditions on VHF and UHF change regularly and we know what happens when the "bands open" or propagation is bad.

Let see what happens when everything is in place.  More on this once final installation has been done.

Here is a few images (Click on images for larger view.) showing the current and future prediction:

Above: New predicted coverage 5 March 2021 

Above: Previous predicted coverage 13 October 2021

Above:  New predicted coverage for George (5 March 2022)

Above:  Satellite view.

Above:  Satellite view with town names.

My Son Plaas in die Vrystaat - Christi ZS4CGR

  Hier volg interessante inligting rondom die gebruik van hernubare energie soos verskaf deur Christi ZS4CGR.  Soos gesien kan word het hy d...