Sunday, June 25, 2023

Update 4: ZS1I DMR Bridge, Garden Route Area and other Regions of SA

Here is another update on the DMR Bridge "building" in the Garden Route Area and other regions of South Africa:

  • Audio setup successfully competed on the ZS1I DMR Bridge
  • DMR Bridge Node incorporated in the ZS1I Supermon 6 + AllStar Manager
  • "Private" Talk Group created and setup for the ZS1I DMR Bridge Network
  • New ZS6CMO DMR Bridge now active in the Alberton area!!
  • Requests on how to setup an AllStar to DMR Bridge Network and how to use DMR 
  • Analog- and Digital Radios works great via the ZS1I DMR Bridge Network and ZS1I DMR Hotspot
  • Future plans for the ZS1I DMR Bridge Network
  • Thanks and Appreciation 

Audio setup successfully competed on the ZS1I DMR Bridge

Extensive Audio tests were performed this past week using the ZS1I DMR Bridge, AllStarlink, Echolink and 145.550 Mhz Simplex Link in the Mossel Bay area.   The duration of the audio reports lasted about 30 min and I apologize for "hogging" the ZS - Link Network.  However the tests were a necessity to ensure that the bridge and network functions optimally.  The DMR tests were performed on the newly ZS1I "Private" Talk Group. The AllStar and Echolink Parrot Nodes were also used during the tests.  I found that the audio level from DMR to AllStar was on the low side.  I changed the usrpAudio to Audio_Use_Gain and set usrpGain to 3.10.  This resulted in evenly audio on the bridge, allstar nodes and echolink. The audio both ways on DMR,  AllStar, Echolink and the 145.550 Mhz Simplex Link is great and the system is now fully operational.  The audio on Echolink sounds "flat" but that is unfortunately out of my control as Echolink is using an old audio Codec.  As Echolink is not updated anymore I guess we will have to live with the "flat" audio coming from stations on Echolink.

DMR Bridge Node incorporated in the ZS1I Supermon 6 + AllStar Manager

The DMR Bridge Nodes are now also incorporated  into Supermon 6 a AllStar "Swissarmy" Web console. It is a one stop place to do management of your Allstar systems and other features from a web browser from anywhere in the world. The nodes as reflected in the image can be controlled.

"Private" Talk Group created and setup for the ZS1I DMR Bridge Network.

I have created a "Private" DMR Talk Group for use with the ZS1I DMR Bridge.  Personally I think that there is times where you do not want to "hog" the 655 South Africa Nationwide Talk Group or any other group.   No this is not a private talk group or a place where only a few selected radio amateurs gather.  It is open to everybody that would like to use the Talk Group.  It is planned to use this talk group in future to transmit and receive GRHub Breaking News Bulletins, Nets, Live Link Connections etc.  More detail on this in a future update.  To utilize the GRHubTG I provide the following detail:

Contact Name:  GRHubTG
Call Type:  Group Call
Call Id: 65511
Admit Criteria:  Color Code 
Color Code: 1
Repeater Slot: 2

New ZS6CMO DMR Bridge now active in the Alberton area!!

I am pleased to announce that the ZS6CMO AllStar - DMR Bridge is now active in the Alberton area.  Curtis worked throughout last week to setup the bridge. Now Curtis is also currently experimenting with setting up the node for NXDN.  I receive daily updates on his progress in this regard and would like to thank him for the updates.  Between him and myself we are learning, experimenting and exploring.  I can vouch that we have learned a lot about digital radios etc.  I will provide more info in a future posting as I receive further updates.

Requests on how to setup a AllStar to DMR Bridge Network and how to use DMR
As indicated before I received a request from KZN in this regard.  Currently I do not have any updates on the progress in establishing a DMR Bridge in the Durban area.  Once I received info I will publish it in a future blog posting.
Listening on the Air reflected that there are quite a few other radio amateurs also interested in setting up an AllStar - DMR Bridge in there area.  Visit the following link on how to setup a DMR Bridge in your area.  Link:  Click HERE.
During the week I received a Telegram request from Corne ZS1COR in George on how to use DMR in general and also how to program DMR radios. 
He was duly informed via Telegram.  Let's hope we hear Corne ZS1COR and other radio amateurs in the George area soon on DMR.  Remember if you do not have a DMR radio you can simply use your Analog Radio and the ZS1I DMR Bridge to talk to your friends on DMR.

Analog- and Digital Radios works great via the ZS1I DMR Bridge Network and ZS1I Hotspot
I am very satisfied with the workings of the ZS1I Allstar to DMR Bridge Network.  Thus far I only received excellent reports and also positive comments regarding the Bridge Network.  Let's see how this network performs before jumping to final conclusions.  It is actually amazing if you think that radio amateurs can now selectively use the ZS1I DMR Bridge Network, AllStarLink, GRHub Network, Echolink Network, DMR, 145.550 Mhz Simplex Radio Link and be heard on all the networks at the same time.  You now have the option to use either a analog or digital radio, depends on what you prefer and what you have available.  This surely open up new fields of experimentation and exploration!!

Future plans for the ZS1I DMR Bridge Network
I can see many plus points for such a Network.  One such plus is to use the network during an emergency situation.  Now I hear the roar of remember in times of disaster the Internet might be down.  Agree fully but we use what is available at such a time.  In the event that the Internet goes down the following systems will still be fully operational:
  • ZS1I DMR Repeater (without Internet)
  • DMR Simplex Radios
  • Analog Radios / Repeaters
  • ZS1I AllStar Nodes (without Internet)
  • ZS1I 145.550 Mhz Simplex Link Network

I have been asked whether the ZS1I DMR Bridge will be permanently connected to the GRHub Network?  NO  it will only be connected during emergency situations!!   However rest assure you will be able to use the ZS1I DMR Bridge as a separate network whenever you want.  I will run the bridge on a daily basis once I permanently install it on site with a 430 Mhz Simplex Radio Link attached. A future update will provide more information in this regard.  Stay tuned!!

Thanks and Appreciation 

This is surely the most important paragraph in this topic.  Please note I am not the person who compiled the software.  Far more clever radio amateurs were responsible for this great DMR feature.  I only used their "How to" manuals to setup the ZS1I DMR Bridge.  I would like to thank each and every person who contributed to this "project".

Many thanks to all the local radio amateurs who use the ZS1I DMR Bridge- and GRHub Network.  Your support and comments are hightly appreciated.  Without leaving anybody out in the cold I would like to thank the following two radio amateurs who is always available to test and to exchange information:  (1)  Curtis ZS6CMO and (2) Majorke ZS5V.  A big thank to all those who assisted in this regard!!

Images:  (Click on images for larger view.)

 Above two images:  ZS6CMO DMR Bridge (Looks great!!!)

(Click on images for larger view.)

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Update 3: ZS1I DMR Bridge, Garden Route Area

I did a bit of further tweaking on the ZS1I DMR Bridge yesterday.  Before I continue I would like to thank the following stations who in some form or the other assisted me in conducting tests and setting audio levels on the ZS1I DMR Bridge:

  1. ZS1AFB
  2. ZS6CMO
  3. ZR6AGA
  4. EI7JQ
  5. ZS4VW
  6. ZS5BR
  7. ZS5V
  8. ZS6VB
  9. ZS5W
  10. ZS1DDM
  11. ZA - DMR NET
  12. ZS1MO

Throughout the day and during the tuesday ZA - DMR NET I was able to test the working of the DMR Bridge to the full. This included setting of audio levels in DMR, AllStar and Echolink. I am quite happy with the end result as the ZS1I DMR Bridge is now fully operational in the Garden Route Area.  The bridge is also linked to the ZS1I Garden Route Hub Network. (ZS1I-L, 49355 and 145.550 Mhz)

Unfortunately I could not join the ZA - DMR Net last night as by the time I finished all the tests, and setting up the bridge, loadshedding decided to rear its ugly head and I had to shutdown the bridge as all  equipment currently runs on Eskom power.  I will look into constructing a multi 5 volt DC battery operated power supply for the bridge.  This battery power supply will prevent loadshedding interruptions in future.  I intend to join the ZA - DMR Net next week Tuesday evening at 19h30  SAST.  I would like to remind the users of the ZS1I GRHub Network that the ZA - DMR Net now has an active slot on Tuesday evenings at 19h30 SAST and you can listen or participate in the Net via DMR, AllStar, Echolink or on 145.550 Mhz Simplex 88.5 CTCSS in the Mossel Bay area.  The ARRL Weekly Bulletin has been moved to a Thursday evening at 19h30 SAST on the GRHub Network.

The audio quality of the DMR Bridge was adjusted to the same level as all the other ZS1I systems currently in operation in the Garden Route area.  I would however like to ask fellow radio amateurs to not openly criticize the audio of others.  One should remember that it is not possible to come to an instant conclusion that bad audio is coming from an individual or a network system.  There is nothing wrong to give a report that the audio quality is not good but please do not criticize and rant about the bad audio.  Rather assist than criticize!  Many factors play a roll when it comes to bad audio or packet loss.  Without proper testing one can not establish the cause of bad audio or packet loss just by listening.

Finally:  I would once again like to invite clubs and radio amateurs to use and keep on using the ZS-LINK and GRHub Network if they so wish. The DMR Bridge network is not a private, club only or special allocated network venture.  It is open for general use by any radio amateur.  Start or join a QSO on DMR and make new friends.

Thank you to those who support and use the ZS-Link Network regularly.  Highly appreciated!!


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Requests to assist in setting up an AllStar to DMR Bridge Network

I received several requests to assist radio amateurs in various areas of South Africa to setup a AllStar to DMR Bridge Network in their area.  I am more than willing to assist in providing the links on how to setup such a Bridge.  Please note I am not the person who compiled the software.  Far more clever radio amateurs were responsible for this great DMR feature.  I only used their "How to" manuals to setup the ZS1I DMR Bridge.  I would like to thank each and every person who contributed to this "project".

Please take note of the following:

  • This project is not for Linux O/S beginners.  If you do not have experience in using Linux and AllStar then you first need to learn how to use the relevant firmware.
  • There is quite a bit of reading involved in setting up the Bridge.  Take time to read through the manuals.
  • You will also need a few minutes or hours to get  the Bridge up and running depending on your experience level.
  • It is very difficult to do fault finding via a telephone, WhatsApp, email etc.  If you follow the manuals you should be able to get the Bridge up and running without any outside help.
  • Who can assist me when I get stuck?  Well I had nobody to assist me and I got stuck several times.  As this is a first for the Garden Route Area I had to rely on "Google" to find solutions for my error messages.  Do not forget Google is your problem solving assistent here!!

Here is the links that I used to setup the AllStar to DMR Bridge Network:

AllStarLink = 

Allstar to DMR Bridge:

I trust that the above will assist you in setting up an AllStar to DMR Bridge successfully.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Update 2: ZS1I DMR Bridge, Garden Route Area

I can report that the ZS1I DMR Bridge is working great and that the log reflected many stations using the system.  Herewith an extract of the log of some of the active stations. The following changes were made to  enhance the system:

  • The Echolink connection ZS1I-R was removed from the ZS1I DMR Bridge. The reasons being that connecting to the bridge to the GRHub Network would result in either a non connection periodically from Echolink or AllStar.  There is already an Echolink connection on the GRHub ZS1I-L and a duplication only result in unnecessary wasting of resources and connecting clashes.  No this does not mean that Echolink users will not be able to use the DMR Bridge.  See next bullet.
  • Echolink users that would like to use the DMR Bridge must first look at the scheduled times when the Bridge will be active and linked to the GRHub Network.  The bridge will be active during times of none activity on the GRHub Network   More details available HERE.
  • The DMR Bridge will be linked the the South Africa DMR TG 655 on Tuesday evenings at 19h15 SAST for the weekly ZA DMR Net.  Echolink users can connect to ZS1I-L and AllStar users to 49355. The ARRL weekly bulletin has been moved from a Tuesday to a Thursday evening at 19h30 on the GRHub Network to accommodate DMR activity on TG 655.
  • After the changes  I made contact with  Doug ZS1DUG via the DMR Bridge.  He is currently visiting Prins Albert.  TX and RX audio was good.  Thanks, Doug for the contact and reports.
  • Question:  How will I know if the DMR Bridge is active?  One by listening via the Echolink ZS1I-L or on Allstar node 49355.  You can also visit the ZS1I DMR Bridge page or the 49355 AllStar Portal HERE.  It will be listed as 46765  ZS1I DMR Bridge Network, Mossel Bay.

Enough for now.

Give DMR a try by using the ZS1I DMR Bridge!  You might just work a very rare callsign / country! 

Images:  (Click on images for larger view)


Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Update 1: DMR Bridge now active in the Garden Route Area and "test driven" by Majorke ZS5V from KZN.

(Click on image for larger view.)

Great news!  The ZS1I DMR Bridge in the Garden Route Area is now active and works great.   No this Bridge is not only for radio amateurs in the Garden Route Area.  It is now available on Echolink/AllStar throughout the world for radio amateurs to use.  You do not need a digital radio to use the ZS1I DMR Bridge or to speak on DMR.  You can use the following to connect to the ZS1I DMR Bridge. (Echolink ZS1I-R  = DMR/Allstar/Echolink Bridge)

  • Analog VHF/UHF Radio including HT's.
  • Echolink on your Cellphone
  • Echolink on you PC
  • IAXRpt on your Windows PC
  • Zoiper on you Cellphone
  • DVSwitch on your Cellphone or PC
  • Might be others but the above will get you going.

How do I use this DMR Bridge?

As per usual:

PLEASE leave a "5 second delay" between replying to a station to allow ALL the systems to reset and connect.

Please note this is a global network and you will be transmitting on RF all over the world.

It is extremely important that you spend time ensuring your audio levels are correct before connecting and using the DMR Bridge.

Correct operating procedure is a distinct characteristic of Amateur Radio.  It’s important that you convey to the public, and to new radio amateurs, the image that Amateur Radio Operators are courteous, patient, and really know what they’re doing.  A friendly style is great, but we also need to operate professionally.  You never know who may be listening.

Do not cause intentional interference, to links, repeater, hubs, nodes or conversations on the network.  Intentional interference is not only heard locally but World Wide.  Just remember that intentional interference can today easily be traced to your call sign as all connecting RF and Digital stations leave an identifiable script in a logfile. 

With the above out of the way here is how you connect to the ZS1I DMR Bridge:

I found that for our local radio amateurs who does not have experience in using AllStar to rather use Echolink to connect to the Bridge.  Log into Echolink and navigate to the menu that list all South African nodes currently active.  Search for ZS1I-R  DMR/Allstar/E-Link Bridge (Node 929614), select  and connect to this node.  Once connected listen a while for activity. Once the "channel" (Talk Group) is clear you can give a call and wait for a response from a DMR station.  Go ahead with the QSO.  PLEASE keep it short as others would also like to use the "channel" (Talk Group).  Please ensure that you release the "PTT" button as not to lockup the "channel"  (Talk Group)

That's it simple as can be and similar to a normal contact using Echolink.

But how about making a DMR contact via VHF/UHF radio.  Currently the ZS1I DMR Bridge is not connected directly to any linked radio network.  However from time to time if the ZS1I-L GRHub Network is not busy I will link the DMR Bridge to ZS1I-L on Echolink.  You can then connect via any personal, simplex link or repeater link network to the DMR Bridge.  Example:  The above image of the DVSwitch Dashboard reflect a contact via the DMR Bridge. 

Majorke ZS5V who used a 2m Radio and the ZS5PMP-R analog repeater network via the ZS1I DMR Bridge to make a contact with Frank Van Pelt PA1V in Netherland who used a 70cm DMR Radio.


Image: Frank PA1V (Click on image for larger view.)

Anybody that are connected to any simplex link or repeater link and to the DMR Bridge Node (ZS1-L or ZS1I-R) can make a contact on DMR. This allows radio amateurs that do not have a digital radio to make contact with DMR stations via their analog radios.

I trust that the ZS1I DMR Bridge will be of use to radio amateurs who would like to learn more about DMR and the use of this facility.  It definitely open up new doors and adventures in the world of digital radio using analog radios.

Enough for now.

Finally:  I would once again like to invite clubs and radio amateurs to use and keep on using the ZS-LINK and GRHub Network if they so wish. The DMR Bridge network is not a private, club only or special allocated network venture.  It is open for general use by any radio amateur.  Start or join a QSO on DMR and make new friends.

Thank you to those who support and use the ZS-Link Network regularly.  Highly appreciated!!


Friday, June 9, 2023

From the Desk: "What is lately happening on the ZS-Link Network?"

It has been a while since an update was posted on activities on the ZS-Link- and  GRHub Network.  The network is alive and well thanks to radio amateurs who use the network and keep on adding nodes to the existing network.  I have been asked why use the name ZS-Link Network?  It is actually very simple.  If I use the name "ZS1I GRHub Network" it would reflect on me as a one man setup/station which is not correct. There are many other roll players that ensure that the network is operational and being extended to other areas of the country and even overseas.  I would like to thank all those radio amateurs that keep the network maintained and running even during loadshedding periods.  Your unselfish participation in maintaining nodes, repeaters, links etc. is highly appreciated.  Remember you do it for Amateur Radio, the best hobby in the world!!

Here is a list of activities and add-ons to the GRHub Network:

1.  Still Bay Echolink Node and Repeater now linked to the GRHub Network:  We welcome the ZS1SB-L Echolink Node of Henry in Still Bay.  The Echolink Node of Henry is linked to the  145.650 Mhz Aasvoelkop Repeater located near Albertinia and maintained by Johann ZS1AAC also from Still Bay..  

Further particulars of the repeater:

VHF Repeater:

Frequency and  CTCSS Tone:  145.750 Mhz with 600 Split and  88.5 CTCSS tone

Mode Analogue: FM

Coverage: George, Struisbaai, Agulhas, Swellendam, Barrydale, Suurbrak, Heidelberg, Witsand, Riversdal, Stilbaai, Jongensfontein, Gouritsmond, Vleesbaai, Mosselbaai, Oudtshoorn, Hartenbos, Sedgefield, Knysna, Buffelsbaai, Brenton on Sea, Rheebok, Plettenberg bay, Craggs,

Welcome to Johann + Henry and all the other Still Bay radio amateurs to the ZS Link Network and we are looking forward to hear activity coming from this Repeater and Echolink Node on the network. 

2.    George Echolink Node  now linked to the GRHub Network: We welcome the ZS1ERZ-L Echolink Node of Eden Radio Club in George.  The Echolink Node is linked to and RF link radio and is maintained by Corne ZS1COR from George.  This link is mainly active when  the Eden Radio Club transmit their club bulletin and having their weekly net. 

Further particulars of the :

VHF Link:  ZS1ERZ-1

Frequency: ???  (to be provided soon)

Mode Analogue: FM

Coverage: George,  Mossel Bay, Hartenbos, Sedgefield, Knysna, Buffelsbaai, Wilderness

Welcome to ZS1ERZ + Corne and all the other George radio amateurs to the ZS Link Network and we are looking forward to hear activity coming from this Echolink Node on the network.

3.  DMR Bridge now active on the GRHub Network: 

An AllStar-Echolink-DMR Experimental Bridge is now active on the Garden Route Hub Network, Mossel Bay and also available to all the ZS-Link Network users. (To many to mention them all here.)  Now what is this all about?

It is quite simple.  When the Bridge is active it connects the following applications/nodes together which is forming  a "Bridge".  Simply put it allows one person to talk on Echolink and the conversation will be propagated to AllStar and DMR and vice versa.   More information available HERE.

4.  AllStar Node Automated:  99.5 % of all amateur radio bulletin broadcasts are now automated by using the Crontab function.  Convenient, yes.  This does not mean that you can leave the network unattended.  We should all now know that Murphy is still around and he can cause havoc to any electronic system.  However automation makes life far easier and convenient for me and all the users of the network.  I am currently looking at automating South African Amateur Radio Bulletins.  More on this in future.

5.  Eskom Load-Shedding:   The power backup systems that were developed/constructed by me for the network has shown to be working very reliable in the event of a power outage.  During the recent stage 6 load-shedding, no problems were experienced and all systems worked as if there was no power outage. Unfortunately I have no remedy should the Internet fail.  Thankfully the GRHub Network will still function locally as an RF Link node with all the functions in active mode but with no Internet connection.  Internet Outages has been far and in between and did not effect the network in a big way in the past. However HERE is a project that I finished recently to ensure an automated connection to the Internet should an outage occur.

6.  Automated Announcements now Active:  The 49355 AllStar node and ZS1I-L Echolink node now supports custom node announcements on the GRHub Network.  Local as well as Global automated announcements are now active on the GRHub Network. It is now possible to play audio announcements automatically of amateur radio activities at a given time on a given day.  The two options I will be using is Playback and Localplay.  Playback play audio announcements globally to all the nodes that are connected to the network.  Localplay play audio announcements only on the 49355 node locally which is not heard by any connected stations except to stations listening on the 145.550 Mhz RF linked radio.  The SARL, Amateur Radio Today, Clubs and radio amateurs that wish to promote activities or has an announcement to make can contact me in order to broadcast the information free of charge on the network.  Yet another free service to radio amateurs.

6.  VOIP "DX" active at times: Several overseas stations were heard on the network and in many cases their calls were answered by local radio amateurs. The latest being a station from Canada.  I would like to encourage radio amateurs to answer CQ "DX" calls on the network.  Let's be ambassadors for amateur radio in South Africa.  The appreciation by foreign stations when calls are answered is noticeable and we need to change any false perceptions about radio amateurs in this country if there is any. 

Update on outstanding projects/functions:  

  • I am currently working on a DMR Hotspot Repeater to convert it to work on battery power. Currently it can only function on 220v AC and as we all know loadshedding is still very much with us.
  • Construction of another Emergency Backup Power Controller and Battery Backup Box.  Updates to follow in separate future posts.
  • The conversion of an IRLP board to use with AllStar  has been finalized and the GRHub Network now has a fully fledged SVXLink Node.  More info HERE.

Enough for now.

Finally:  I would once again like to invite clubs and radio amateurs to use and keep on using the ZS-LINK and GRHub Network if they so wish. The network is not a private, club only or special allocated network.  It is open for general use by any radio amateur.  Transmit, experiment, test etc. - let radio amateurs know you are active and on the network.  Start or join a QSO and make new friends.

Thank you to those who support and use the Network regularly.  Highly appreciated!!


Thursday, June 8, 2023

NEW!! - DMR Bridge now Active on the Garden Route Hub Network.

(Click on images for larger view.

An AllStar-Echolink-DMR Experimental Bridge is now active on the Garden Route Hub Network, Mossel Bay and also available to all the ZS-Link Network users. (To many to mention them all here.)  Now what is this all about?

It is quite simple.  When the Bridge is active it connects the following applications/nodes together which is forming  a "Bridge".  Simply put it allows one person to talk on Echolink and the conversation will be propagated to AllStar and DMR and vice versa. 


Echolink  ####> Allstar ####> DMR and DMR ###> AllStar ###> Echolink

ZS1I-L Echolink ####> 46765  Allstar ####> DMR and  DMR ###> 46765 AllStar ###>  ZS11-L Echolink

The Bridge is also available to all the stations connected to the GRHub Network and to those stations connected to each other.


The magic files are loaded onto the 46765 Allstar Node (Raspberry Pi 3(b)) which host the following software/Nodes:

  • AllstarLink Firmware for the Raspberry Pi  Node 46765
  • Install Private Node 1999
  • Install  DVSwitch Firmware
  • Create a Brandmeister Account

Further Particulars:

  • The AllStar Node runs as a Psuedo Node
  • AllStar Node 46765 is connected to the Private Node 1999 which is using the USRP channel driver.
  • the USRP channel driver talks to the DVSwitch program that is setup to communicate with Brandmeister TG
  • When on your Brandmeister linked Hotspot or repeater (if applicable), if you talk on Talkgroup 91 you will be heard on AllStar 46765 and 49355 (when connected) and where ever is is connected to.
  • AllStar Node 46765 is currently linked to Brandmeister Talkgroup 91 (World Wide Talkgroup)

Now why on earth would you setup a Digital DMR Bridge on an Analog AllStar Node and Echolink Node?

  • Useful for Emergency Communications
  • Ad Hoc Connections
  • Access to repeaters from other areas and modes (Hotspots)
  • Creates activity on the VHF/UHF bands
  • Extend the reach to other parts of the country and worldwide
  • Allows analog users to TX+RX on DMR as many radio amateurs do not have a digital radio to operate DMR.
  • Because you can and the software is freely available thanks to fellow radio amateurs
  • Lends itself to experimentation
  • Learn more (educational) about the workings of Digital Radio, Analog Radio, Nodes, VOIP, links, bridges etc.


• Audio quality between the networks
• Allstar Link has EXCELLENT audio quality
• Digital has no hiss


• Use private nodes to allow the maximum control

 How does it work:

• Stream conversion
• Audio and metadata converted from one format to another
• Adapters for each specific network  
• For Echolink to work ZS1I-L and ZS1I-R need to be connected.  The bridge runs on ZS1I-R.
Requests and Reminder:

PLEASE leave a "5 second delay" between replying to a station to allow ALL the systems to reset and connect.

Please note this is a global network and you will be transmitting on RF all over the world.

It is extremely important that you spend time ensuring your audio levels are correct before connecting and using the DMR Bridge.

Correct operating procedure is a distinct characteristic of Amateur Radio.  It’s important that you convey to the public, and to new radio amateurs, the image that Amateur Radio Operators are courteous, patient, and really know what they’re doing.  A friendly style is great, but we also need to operate professionally.  You never know who may be listening.
Do not cause intentional interference, to links, repeater, hubs, nodes or conversations on the network.  Intentional interference is not only heard locally but World Wide.  Just remember that intentional interference can today easily be traced to your call sign as all connecting RF and Digital stations leave an identifiable script in a logfile.

Finally:  Re-structuring of the GRHub Network will be undertaken  soon as to identify the services and functions each node provides.  Do not panic we will not leave our local radio amateurs in the cold.  I recently overheard a conversation were a radio amateur indicated that the GRHub Network is not for local use but caters more for world wide activity.  This is far from the truth.  If you not certain how the GRHub Network functions  you will find more info on the GRHub Network Blog Pages.

Please note that the AllStar-Echolink-DMR Bridge is currently in a experimental phase and might only be active at certain times of the day.  This will continue until the re-structuring of the GRHub Network is complete.  A full "how-to" will be provided in another post on how to use the DMR Bridge.

Images:  (Click on images for larger view)

The following stations were contacted and a big thank you for their assistance and audio reports to test the audio levels from Echolink to AllStar to Brandmeister and to DMR and vice versa.
  • Carl M7VNS, Joe NK9O and Richard KC3FLH

Audio Clip - DMR to Allstar/Echolink:

Friday, June 2, 2023

ZS1I Simple Small Projects: Roll your own 220v Pilot Light - Eskom Loadshedding

GENERAL WARNING: Never undertake a DIY electrical task or any other modification to you home if you're not qualified/certified to work on home electricity systems or when your home is insured. Always contact your insurance company and discuss your undertaking with the company. If you do not you will find out the hard way that the company will not cover you house or property if a disaster of some kind occurs. Ensure that you obtain the necessary permission and any certificates required. You have been warned!!

Disclaimer: The project discussed under this topic uses lethal AC voltages and should not be attempted by those who are not properly experienced. Proper safety precautions must be adhere to at all times. I will not be held responsible for your actions. Use at own risk.

 In a previous post available HERE  I explained how I installed a 220v pilot light as an indicator for the YL  when Eskom power returns after loadshedding.

In this post I will explain how I constructed my own 220v pilot light using a few components that I had in my junkbox.  I found a 220v Red Pilot Light but this one was the flashing type with a audible beeper.  Now this will not work for what I had in mind.  After opening the light I looked at a possible modification of the light but decided against it as we use 220v AC here and not 12v DC.  Now I could have just bought the pilot light I wanted but why if I had all the parts to construct my own.

Homebrew is fun and that's the route I followed.

Parts required:

  1. 2 x 40mm PVC End Caps
  2. 1 x 6cm length of 40mm PVC Pipe
  3. 1 x 6mm Rubber Grommet
  4. 2 x Cable Ties
  5. 1 x 40mm PVC Pipe Clamp-on bracket
  6. Length of 2 core Power Cable with plug
  7. 1 x 220V AC 22 mm Red or Green Pilot Light casing
  8. 1 x  Bright Red LED
  9. 1 x 47K 1 watt Resistor
  10. 1 x 1N4007 Diode
  11. 1 x 10uF 25v Electrolytic Capacitor
  12.  Piece of 5mm Heat Shrink Tubing

I am not going to go into details of the build as the diagram and images explain he project to the full. 

A simple but very useful project in times of power outages or loadshedding.

Just plug the unit into a power socket and as soon as the power returns the pilot light will be illuminated.  If it does not then power has not yet returned. Hi Hi!

Photos:  (Click on images for larger view.)

PS.  Yes I know my soldering is very ugly but that is due to bad eyesight unfortunately.  At least it is working!!

Eskom Loadshedding Solutions - Raspberry Pi Router/Modem "Watchdog" Project: Testing Internet Connection (Part 3)

 Image:  ZS1I AllStar Hub, 145.550 Echolink Simplex Link and ZS-Link SVXLink Reflector With the recent loadshedding experienced I decided to...